This is the mascot style version of Kiki the Cyber Squirrel, the mascot of Krita. The design derived from Techwear Kiki (2019 – 2020).

The splash art Kiki has a taller head-body ratio, which makes it difficult to use in various layouts for promotional/functional purpose. In this picture, I used a 1:2.5 head-body ratio, which is typical for mascots. I was generally satisfied with the result, but I have to prepare more pictures for different situations. And only with that, Kiki can realize her full potential as a mascot.

Krita is a free and open source digital painting application. Kiki the Cyber Squirrel (the character in this picture) is the mascot I designed for Krita. I also provided, and has been maintaining, most of Krita’s simplified Chinese translations for the application, the documentation, websites, and everything.
Krita website:


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