Freedom Planet 2 Box Art

This is the box art I created for Freedom Planet 2, an indie action platforming video game. The 4 characters in the picture are the playable characters, they are (from left to right): Sash Lilac the Water Dragon, Milla Basset the Hound, Neera Li the Panda, Carol Tea the Wildcat. The background is the first stage of the game, Dragon Valley. The moon, halo and the black shadow are the key story elements of the game.

I rushed this picture in less than a week before the game was released, wish I had more time. Although I was on the verge of getting out of the 2012 – 2022 low period as an artist, I was not quite there yet. It had to wait until 2023 – 2024 when I was finally able to reliably draw things in a satisfying way.

For the character designs, see: Freedom Planet 2 Main Characters Design Explained.


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