This was a commission from an old friend, the rabbit-like character is their OC.
At the time when I was drawing this picture, I had just switched from Photoshop to Krita. I used the drawing process of this picture to figure out viable workflows in Krita, hopefully to create art at the same quality level as in Photoshop. Judging from the result, I would say I drew better in Krita than in Photoshop — at least for the painterly type of art like this one.
However, I became aware of my other problems — I had been drawing the same pose, composition, and topic over and over, that I was running out of ideas. The core concept of this picture was basically recycled from a previous picture, and it was later reused again in another picture. It was becoming so formulaic, I began to doubt my ability as an artist.
Soon after this picture was finished, I fell into a 10-year-long (2012 -2022) low period as an artist. I had to basically relearn how to do art from the ground up, to expand my vision and knowledge, to obtain a new mind set as a human-being — in order to become a better artist with more meaningful stories to tell.
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