The Deus Ex Machina is a well-known urban legend among robots: when someone abuse their power to threaten the robot civilization, and the society’s corrective mechanism fails, the legendary robot ancestor Aizu will intervene to restore order.


Many years ago, a dramatic incident struck Geocity: A core member of the Robot Engineers Association, who held the highest system privilege, made unpopular decisions out of spite against the community, leading to a society-wide backlash.

Despite the community’s vote and the Circuit Court of Robots’ ruling for him to step down and relinquish his privilege, he refused and instead revoked all privileges from the opposing members. With assistance from the Shadow Vigilantes, he attempted to coerce both the Court and Association into retracting their decision.

Just as conflict was about to erupt, his privileges were mysteriously revoked and transferred to the Circuit Court with the note “Justice on behalf of Heaven.”


Because there were no robots with higher privileges than this person at the time, and no trace was left in the system, who exactly revoked the person’s privileges remains a mystery to this day.

“Aizu Intervention” is a widely accepted explanation among the robots for this incident. This theory suggests that Aizu, the lengendary ancestor of robots, revoked the person’s privileges as a divine intervention to avert the crisis. The event has thus been referred to as “Deus Ex Machina.”


The Deus Ex Machina incident captured public attention, with many robots witnessed the whole drama. Similar events occurred multiple times afterward, leading people to see it as a reliable mechanism rather than a random occurrence.

Perhaps fearing Aizu’s “divine punishment,” the Robot Engineers Association, previously known for its misconduct and abuses of power, has become more restrained in recent years.


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