Under Construction

The site is currently under construction. While the main sections are mostly complete, the readability of the wiki pages for Electric Hearts and Spirit Animals in Disguise still needs improvement. These contents will be rewritten in Alice Rosetta’s page format, aiming to finalize everything by the end of January 2025. After that, I will begin working on the actual content for both projects.


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  1. W_Muncher

    So far everything looks really interesting and well-thought out. I can’t wait to see where this goes and to experience the final product(s). Don’t feel like you absolutely HAVE to keep pumping content to keep us satisfied or meet some deadline. Take as much time as you need. If this project takes 10 years to finish, then so be it.

    1. I’m not doing this to keep others satisfied. I’m doing it to keep myself motivated. These projects have been in the oven for way too long, and I can’t create new contents properly without a clearly defined framework. I set a deadline for myself, so I might waste less time at useless stuff.