Category: Electric Hearts Wiki
Virtual Universe (Evernight Era)
The Virtual Universe, also known as the “Cloud,” is the virtual reality space where most robots of the…
Geocity (Evernight Era)
Geocity is the last city of the robot civilization in the Evernight Era, located beneath a snowfield and…
Robot Civilization (Evernight Era)
The Robot Civilization is the Earth’s civilization during the Evernight Era. It retains a small portion of human…
Robots are artificial intelligence programs that can think and feel the same way as humans, possessing similar intelligence…
Deus Ex Machina
The Deus Ex Machina is a well-known urban legend among robots: when someone abuse their power to threaten…
Earth (Evernight Era)
In the Evernight Era, Earth is blanketed in an endless pale blue snowfield. The surface is in a…
Zhizheng Primary School (Electric Hearts)
Zhizheng Primary School is Alice’s school, located in the historic town of Guancheng in Dongguan City. She is…
Dongguan City (Electric Hearts)
Note: Dongguan City is a real location; however, certain details may be altered for creative purposes. Dongguan (东莞:…
Rabbit Hole Lunar Stations
The Rabbit Hole Lunar Stations are small underground outposts that Alice constructed on the moon’s surface. Name These…