Category: Electric Hearts Wiki
Class 3 (Electric Hearts)
The 5th grade Class 3 at Zhizheng Primary School is where Alice studies. With 18 students, it serves as the school’s “Experimental Class on…
Cloud the Robot Rabbit (Evernight Era)
Cloud is a rabbit-type robot from the Evernight Era. A civilian of Geocity, he joins the Snowfield Expedition Teams as a tourist. He discovered…
Cloud (Sunset Era)
Cloud is Alice’s pet rabbit in the Sunset Era. Origin Cloud was formerly a lab rabbit at a university. After escaping from dissection class,…
Alice Rosetta (Evernight Era)
Alice was originally a robot from the Sunset Era. One of her early body was discovered and awakened by Cloud the Robot Rabbit in…
Alice Rosetta (Sunset Era)
Alice Rosetta is a robot girl born in the Sunset era, designed for space missions instead of human astronauts. She goes to school with…
Relationship between Electric Hearts and Spirit Animals in Disguise
My two projects, Electric Hearts and Spirit Animals in Disguise, share the same universe. This article highlights their connections and differences. Electric Hearts The…