This picture was created back in 2008, around the time I graduated from college. I attempted to capture a feeling of a lonely traveler on the snowfield under the pale moonlight and aurora. It can be interpreted as the precursor of the later Electric Hearts world building.
Although I began working on Electric Hearts since around 2000, but I mainly explored various robot designs in the early days. Nothing notable happened on the story side, I was still borrowing ideas from existing sci-fi titles.
In 2008, my lack of art foundation became more and more problematic. I was unable to competently express my ideas through art, so I attempted to create text based concepts as a supplement to my pictures. But at the time, I didn’t have good writing skills either, and I probably had nothing to write about — because I had no social experience or philosophical reflections. Whatever I wrote back then didn’t age well, so I decided to remove them when I clean up the old works from my gallery.
I keep this picture in my gallery because it successfully captured a certain atmosphere and mood that felt genuine — a rare sight among my early works. The snowfield later became part of Electric Hearts’ core settings. The arctic fox character in this picture became Cloud White, one of the key characters of the project.
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