Fidget (Freedom Planet 2 Boy Version)

This is a fan art of Fidget, the assistant character from Dust – A Elysian Tail. In this version, I redesigned her according to how I handled bat characters in Freedom Planet 2, with more realistic bat-like hand wings instead of the original’s back wings. And since flapping those huge wings needs more strength, I also turned her into a boy, so it looks natural for him to have more defined pecs. He now has a full clothing as well.

Because a bat has to be lightweight to fly, I intended to draw him slender. But at the time I was in the middle of a low period as an artist, and my perception of body proportion was generally off — I often unintentionally drew characters too thick. In this picture, my intention and my non-intention cancelled out each other, resulted in a balanced, healthy-looking body shape that I personally really like to this day.

I drew this picture just for fun. There weren’t many distracting thoughts when I was drawing it. Perhaps that allowed me to focus on the process, which was quite rare back in those difficult days.


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