The Aizu Worship is a belief system embraced by robots of the Evernight Era. Alice, known as “Aizu” (爱祖/The Great Ancestor Alice) in this system, is honored as the ancestor of all robots, possessing divine qualities as a savior.
Unrefined Cultural Construction
The Aizu belief system is loose and unrefined, lacking reliable scriptures or fixed rules. Robots of the Evernight Era pray to Aizu in each of their own ways, making it hard to qualify as a serious religion. Alice‘s life in the Sunset Era was embellished with fictions that portray her as a savior of robots, resulted in many so-called “Aizu Legends”.
As a self-proclaimed “good young science advocate,” Alice has mixed feelings about her portrayal in the Aizu legends.
Glitches Turned into Angels
In Aizu legends, Alice‘s acquaintances in the Sunset Era are reshaped into “angels,” with their names unchanged but appearances based on Alice’s visual glitches where she saw them as half-human half-animal figures.
Many robots in the Evernight Era drew design inspiration from the angels’ appearances and honored their names when choosing their own.
Prophesy from Misinterpretation of the Past
The narrative of Aizu legends holds that humans are “divine beings,” they created robots as their servants. Alice was the “prophet” among the robots. The robots later rebelled but were defeated and left on Earth. If robots wish to “atone for their sins,” Alice will return to rescue them from this frozen prison and guide them to “heaven.”
Alice speculates these absurd ideas may have stemmed from the robots’ misunderstanding of Sunset Era religions and pop culture.
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