Earth (Evernight Era)

In the Evernight Era, Earth is blanketed in an endless pale blue snowfield. The surface is in a vacuum state, with an environment similar to outer space.


In the Sunset Era, the sun vanished for unknown reasons, leading to a drastic drop in Earth’s surface temperature. By the beginning of the Evernight Era, Earth’s atmosphere had frozen and fell to the ground as rain and snow, blanketing the planet in a vast snowfield.


The “snow” of the snowfield can be divided into three layers. From bottom to top: the ice layer, nitrogen layer, and oxygen layer. The ice layer is light blue and fell at 0°C; the nitrogen layer is colorless and fell at -210°C; the oxygen layer is light blue and fell at -218°C.

The snow layer varies in depth depending on the local topography, climate conditions, etc. The lower layers are more consolidated and hard, while the uppermost layer is loose and soft.

Due to the absence of an atmosphere, the surface is in a vacuum state, with conditions similar to outer space. Robots need heating and insulation components to operate for extended periods of time on the surface.

Glacier Movement

The snowfield is not static; it moves slowly like a glacier. Its base melts under pressure, creating lubrication that allows the snowfield to gradually slide toward lower areas in regions with significant elevation differences.

There may be cavities beneath the smooth surface due to glacier movements, posing a risk of falling through or collapsing. Robots must exercise caution when traversing the snowfield.


Most relics of human civilizations lie buried beneath at least 80 meters of snow, and many have suffered damage due to the immense weight of the snow and the glacier movements. Large modern structures still remain relatively intact. Some robots formed snowfield expedition teams to find the remains of large cities and excavate useful equipment and supplies.

Moon Light and Star Light

Despite the sun’s disappearance, the moon is still shining in the sky. Alice believes the sun is not truly gone but obscured by something between it and Earth.

In the Evernight Era, the sky is remarkably dark due to the absence of atmosphere and artificial light. However, moonlight and starlight are bright enough for robots to generate some power using solar panels.

Meteor Impacts

Without the atmosphere’s protection, small celestial bodies that once burned up in the air can now reach the Earth’s surface, creating craters across the snowfield.

Reasoning of the Robots

Robots of the Evernight Era have lived their entire lives without the sun. The chaos of the Sunset Era destroyed much data, leading to a distorted understanding of history. A popular theory even suggests that the sun never existed and can only be seen by reaching “Heaven.”


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