Electric Hearts AI System

The Electric Hearts Artificial Intelligence System is a free and open-source software project initiated by the United Nations Development Programme during the Sunset Era. Its goal is to develop true artificial intelligence and an operating system for humanoid robots. It is also a part of the Alice Project.

Initially, the project received little attention, with all theoretical research and implementation done solely by Zoey (not without the use of many free and open-source base libraries). Alice was its first practical outcome and is regarded as humanity’s first true artificial intelligence. She served as a technological template for all future true artificial intelligence robots to come.

Main Features

True artificial intelligence: The Electric Hearts system creates Data Souls with human-like intelligence and emotions, but they also require proper education and socialization.

Exploring new possibilities: The system also pushes technological boundaries. The system features robust memory error correction, soul versioning, branching, merging, and loose synchronization, allowing the same soul to operate independently on different devices while maintaining consistency and mergeability.

Usage in Evernight Era

Even in the Evernight Era, the robot civilization is still using the Electric Hearts AI system to create new digital souls. Robot programmers find Zoey‘s design and tuning intuition to be unmatched, any changes often lead to undesired results. Some consider his code sacred due to Aizu worship, making them hesitant to alter it. Consequently, while the system’s peripheral toolkits have received many fixes and enhancements, the core system remains largely untouched.


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