Robots are true artificial intelligence programs that can think and feel the same way as humans. They can live in the online Virtual Universe or be installed in machines to operate in the real world.
Alice was humanity’s first true AI robot born in the Sunset Era when the related technologies were still in its early stages. This article introduces the robots of the Robot Civilization in the Evernight Era.
Digital Souls
Digital Souls are the true artificial intelligence programs created using the Electric Hearts AI System, which is the essential form of robots. They are sorted into different families according to the data template used to create their souls.
In their digital soul forms, robots can live in the Virtual Universe without physical bodies. Each robot has a “home world” where they can customize their appearance and living space without restriction. However, in public spaces and other people’ worlds, they must follow certain rules.
The Electric Hearts system enables a single digital soul to have multiple instances at once. A soul can be installed into multiple machine bodies and have different incarnations across Virtual Universe worlds, each operating independently while maintaining a loose integrity.
Public Bodies
In the Evernight Era, most robots live in the Virtual Universe because they are unable to endure the harshness and boredom of the real world. When Alice was awakened, the total robot population was about 10 million, and most of which did not have a personal physical body.
When body-less robots need to go to the real world, they can borrow public bodies that are generic and simplistic in design with limited customization options. These bodies have near-biological appearances due to their lack of mechanical features. Standardized expansions can be attached to a few slots. Wearable gears and tools are also available.
Personal Bodies
Robots that primarily lives in the real world usually have personal bodies, some modified from the public ones, and others created from scratch. There are also special variants like extra-small, extra-large, and non-humanoid models.
Personal bodies, with their unique designs and wears, reflect the robots’ jobs and personalities. They often appear more mechanical, prioritizing functionality for ease of use and maintenance. They often include innovative, or sometimes, bizarre features.
Most robotic bodies follow universal ISO standards that define parts, sizes, and interfaces for compatibility with tools, components, and public facilities. These standards were initially based on Alice‘s Star Child Robotic Bodies, enabling her to utilize the latest components of the Evernight Era.
Robots with non-standard personal bodies typically have standardized alternative bodies for using tools and public facilities. For example, Lucia the Robot Snake has a dragon-styled humanoid alternative body, while Misha the Robot Bear has a smaller “bear cub” alternative body.
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