The Sunset Era, as referred to by the robots of the Evernight Era, marks the last century of human civilization, beginning in CE 1971 and ending with the death of the last human. Following this period, Earth transitioned into the Evernight Era dominated by robots.

Technology Advancements

The Sunset Era was characterized by rapid technological advancements and significant productivity growth. Key technologies that enabled robot civilization, such as true artificial intelligence and advanced robotics, emerged during this time. Alice was created in this era as the first robot with true artificial intelligence.

Nightfall Incident

In the final years of the Sunset Era, an unexplained “Nightfall” incident occurred: the sun vanished, freezing Earth’s atmosphere into snow that fell to the ground. Humans were forced to seek refuge in hastily constructed underground cities where they ultimately perished.

Great Data Loss

The records of the Sunset Era exist mainly in data form, much of which was lost during the Nightfall incident and mismanagement of underground sanctuaries. When the last human passed away, robots inherited a civilization in shambles that is but a shadow of its former self. They developed a distorted view of the Sunset Era, holding an unrealistic reverence for past “glory” and hoping their “human masters” will one day return to “forgive and save” them. This leaves Alice, who actually comes from the Sunset Era, utterly dumbfounded.


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