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83 responses

  1. Dee

    Thank you for the incredible work toward the KDE project.

    Your logo for KATE caught my eye and had me keep coming back to give the program a shot.

    Since then I have fallen in love with the text editor and couldnt be happier with the time invested.

    All started with the logo!

  2. Hey Tyson, I’ve created a tribute video to your art and creations, I would like to ask for permission to share it. I know its been a while since we last talked.

  3. GG

    Hello! I love your art. How do you do it? What do you use for art suplys?

  4. Y2K

    Hi Tyson, just wanted to stop by and say keep up the great work. Your art style and character designs are so incredibly unique. Although it’s not official I use the Libbie icon replacer for LibreOffice on all my Linux installs.

  5. Hey there! I was looking your art of Kiki and noticed that her color scheme is practically identical to that of the transgender flag. I couldn’t find any information about this correlation online. Is this intentional, or is it just a coincidence?

    1. It was a coincidence. As a cis native Chinese, I was unaware of all these western identity politics stuff when I designed Kiki. The only related thing I knew back then was the rainbow flag.

      Kiki’s “trans” color scheme has been explained on Krita’s website:
      White represents the color of paper, and also Krita’s empty canvas view
      Pink represents the passion of a budding artist
      Skyblue represents creative freedom
      Black represents Krita’s default UI color, and reflects Kiki’s robotic nature

      I like to use these colors together in general. I group them as the Afterglow colors.

      There was one version of Kiki that has no black, I suppose that’s where the trans flag representation came from. In actuality, it was an art experiment, I deliberately took out the black, and used only intense color in that picture. Also, in later versions I took out the blue, to make Kiki’s design look more focused in terms of mech.

      That’s said, the 2 biggest projects I involved the most so far – Krita itself and Freedom Planet 2, both led by trans women who came out years after I joined. Even if it was an afterthought, I’m supportive of people using Kiki to represent their cause.