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  1. hello I was wanting to study some your art i was wondering if you had any speed paints or some tips

    1. I thought about speedpainting, but I saw it as a “performance” to show off skills rather than a practical way to draw things.

      I design my character as I draw them. The process is messy and slow and breaks into multiple sessions. I honestly don’t think watching speedpainting performance from other artists is good for your skills or your confidence.

      If there is one tip I can give, is that your heart is more important than your skills.

      During my low period between 2012 – 2022, I tried really hard. Studying all sorts of things, doing all sorts of practices and stunts, but things only got worse. More knowledge with a bad mental state means more distractions and chains to creativity.

      Now I have basically “given up” any expectations of “what I can get from art”, things actually get much better for me.

      My current state is that I know exactly what I want to create, I have the observation ability and taste to assess my own art, I know how to improve, and I actually believe in myself to improve if I wanted to. The process of drawing is the most important thing to me. Any outside validation is just a bonus.

      In my experience, this change of mind helped more than anything else.

  2. Hey tyson tan, i absolutely love your art, specifically for Konqi! I once sent you an email but you never responded. Can we be friends?

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