- 2024-11-22
- EXPAND: Spirit Animals in Disguise: Libbie the Spirit Oryx
- 2024-11-19
- EXPAND: Electric Hearts: Alice Rosetta (Sunset), Alice Rosetta (Evernight), Cloud the Robot Rabbit (Evernight), Feiya, Libbie (Human).
- EXPAND: Free and Open Source: My Daily Translation Log link.
- CHANGE: Recent Updates: Typography adjustments.
- 2024-11-16
- NEW: Electric Hearts: Zoey, Tonyn, Bailian, Zoey the Robot Sable, Tonyn the Robot Rat, Bailian the Robot Mouse.
- NEW: Spirit Animals in Disguise: Tonyn the Spirit Rat, Bailian the Spirit Mouse, Zoey the Spirit Sable
- 2024-11-10
- NEW: Electric Hearts: Robot, Robot Families, Robot Civilization (Evernight Era), Virtual Universe (Evernight Era), Deus Ex Machina, Geocity Volunteers, Robot Engineers Association, Shadow Vigilantes, Circuit Court of Robots, Snowfield Expedition Teams, Snow Bandits.
- CHANGE: Electric Hearts and Spirit Animals in Disguise portal pages: Reduced Wiki Columns from three to two to improve line breaks and categorization.
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