Zoey the Robot Sable (Evernight Era)

Zoey (full name: Zoey Polaris, Chinse: 紫微周易) is a sable-type robot living in the Evernight Era. He is a visual designer from the Robot Engineers Association and is currently participating in Snowfield Expedition Teams as a tourist. His name and appearance are inspired by Zoey, the chief engineer who created Alice’s AI and robotic body, according to Aizu worship legends.


Zoey is a carefree and easygoing person with a lazy aura. He prefers to go with the flow and keeps his deepest thoughts to himself. Currently, he is participating in the Snowfield Expedition Teams as a tourist. He told the Robot Engineers Association that he decided to leave because he was bored with life in Geocity. Zoey doesn’t seem to care about in the future of robot civilization, believing that “the tide of the times” will guide things to where they should be, and that individuals have little power over their fate.


Zoey is a renowned visual designer specializing in symbolic decorative elements inspired by Sunset Era costume designs. He creates high-class visuals tailored to consumer tastes. Every robot Alice encounters in the Evernight Era either features Zoey’s designs or shows clear influence from his style.

Due to his expertise, he was recruited by the Engineers Association, despite not being an engineer. His extensive connections stem from various projects he has participated in.


Zoey spends most of his time studying the aesthetics of the Sunset Era. He designed many classic portrayals of Aizu worship figures. Although Alice, a robot from that era, looked nothing like his imagination, Zoey somehow felt happy to be proven wrong. He also correctly observed that Alice is actually Aizu herself, not merely an imitator inspired by the legendary ancestor.

While Tonyn upgraded Alice’s body, Zoey designed the new parts to match the original style. Alice was very pleased with the outcome.


Zoey and Tonyn the Robot Rat are close friends and colleagues from the Robot Engineers Association. As an excellent mechanical engineer, Tonyn can turn Zoey’s tricky designs into reality.

Ever since their first meeting, Zoey has been paying attention to Alice’s activities. He leveraged his connections to assist her in her journey, curious about the changes she could bring to Robot Civilization.


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